offering and suggestion


Jack : Hi, Brian. Your face looks so pale. What’s wrong with you?
Brian : Hi Jack. Yes, I think I got a stomachache. My stomach is very hurt. I have not had my breakfast yet. 
Jack : Oh, poor you Brian. I think we should have our breakfast before we go to school or studying. 
Brian : I was not so hungry last morning. So that’s way, I didn’t have my breakfast. Maybe that’s my fault jack. 
Jack : Hmm. Yeah, that’s okay for now. But next time, please remember to have your breakfast Brian.
Brian : Alright Jack. 
Jack: Can I do anything to help? 
Brian : I need to get some medicine, but my stomach is still hurt. Can you get some for me? 
Jack : Okay Brian. I will get some for you in medical room and I also will buy some food for you.
Brian : Thank you so much Jack. I can’t say a word. Thanks for your help. 
Jack : You’re welcome Brian. 


Bimo : Hei Niko, why do you look so sad?
Niko : I have a serious problem today. I have just lost my wallet. 
Bimo : Really? Where did you lose it?
Niko : Hmm… Maybe in the park. 
Bimo : I think you should be more careful with your belongings. 
Niko : Yeah, I think so. This is my fault.
Bimo : Don’t be sad Niko.  I hope you can find it really soon.
Niko : Thank you Bimo. Do you have any suggestion for me?
Bimo : If I may suggest, you should go to the park and look for it more detail.
Niko : I have looked for it for hours but I did not find it. Do you have another suggestion? 
Bimo : Hmm… You would better tell the securities to help you to find it and also announce it to the visitors. 
Niko : Yeah you are right. I will try it. Thank you for your suggestions. 
Bimo : You are welcome Niko. Next time, it is better for you to keep your important stuffs in a safe place.
Niko : Certainly Bim. 


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