
Showing posts from September, 2019

The Presentation Of The Second Group

"Let's Make A Better World For All" Assalamualaikum  is wr.wb This is the presentation of the second group, they were doing a presentation about music. This is the opening of the presentation, we were all singing "Tanah Airku" Tanah Airku Tanah air ku tidak kulupakan Kan terkenang selama hidupku Biarpun saya pergi jauh Tidak kan hilang dari kalbu Tanah ku yang kucintai Engkau kuhargai Walaupun banyak negeri kujalani Yang masyhur permai dikata orang Tetapi kampung dan rumahku Di sanalah ku rasa senang Tanah ku tak kulupakan Engkau kubanggakan Tanah ku yang kucintai Engkau kuhargaiKuhargai After they present their opening song, they showed us the short movie, and they read the news for us  When they done showing their song and short movie, they started to tell us about their subject, "Music"  Music is a rhythm that goes out from human's body, they usually sounds good with the combination of musical instrument

The Presentation Of The First Group

How To Make.. Assalamualaikum wr.wb This is the presentation of the first group, their presentation was about "Procedure Text" and this is the opening of their presentation, we all sang Garuda Pancasila Garuda Pancasila Garuda pancasila akulah pendukungmu Patriot proklamasi sedia berkorban untukmu Pancasila dasar negara, rakyat adil makmur sentosa, pribadi bangsaku Ayo maju maju, ayo maju maju, ayo maju maju Garuda pancasila akulah pendukungmu Patriot proklamasi sedia berkorban untukmu Pancasila dasar negara, rakyat adil makmur sentosa, pribadi bangsaku Ayo maju maju (merdeka) ayo maju maju (merdeka) ayo maju maju Ayo maju maju, ayo maju maju, ayo maju maju Pancasila dasar negara, rakyat adil makmur sentosa, pribadi bangsaku Ayo maju maju (merdeka) ayo maju maju (merdeka) ayo maju maju Ayo maju maju, ayo maju maju, ayo maju maju After we sang Garuda Pancasila together, just like the video above, they explained about "Procedure Text", Gener


Group 1 1. Afina 2. Ihsan 3. Fadil 4. Talita Opening : Garuda Pancasila News : Bali back to normal after earthquake ( ) Materi : How to make something Video : Quiz : Exercise : 1. Make a procedure text about make something. Short Movie : Closing : Yamko rambe yamko Vocabulary : Group 2 1. Nadya 2. Rayhanul 3. Carissa Opening  : News : Materi : Video : Quiz : Latihan : Short movie  : Closing  : Vocabulary : Group 3 1. Azriel 2. Helmi hasyim 3. Syahfa putri Opening : Merah Putih - gombloh News : - Materi : May I Help You? Video : Quiz : - Exercise : English Book Chapter 1 Page 11  Create 2 pattern, examples and responses about "May I Help You" Short Movie : Closing : Keroncong Kemayoran Vocabulary : English Book Chapter 1 Page 3

offering and suggestion

OFFERING Jack : Hi, Brian. Your face looks so pale. What’s wrong with you? Brian : Hi Jack. Yes, I think I got a stomachache. My stomach is very hurt. I have not had my breakfast yet.  Jack : Oh, poor you Brian. I think we should have our breakfast before we go to school or studying.  Brian : I was not so hungry last morning. So that’s way, I didn’t have my breakfast. Maybe that’s my fault jack.  Jack : Hmm. Yeah, that’s okay for now. But next time, please remember to have your breakfast Brian. Brian : Alright Jack.  Jack: Can I do anything to help?  Brian : I need to get some medicine, but my stomach is still hurt. Can you get some for me?  Jack : Okay Brian. I will get some for you in medical room and I also will buy some food for you. Brian : Thank you so much Jack. I can’t say a word. Thanks for your help.  Jack : You’re welcome Brian.  SUGGESTION Bimo : Hei Niko, why do you look so sad? Niko : I have a serious problem today. I have just lost my w


hi guys! my name is afina maulida, you can call me afinaπŸŒ™πŸ€— i was born in Jakarta on 11 june 2002😎😎 and now let me tell you about me.. i like things that smell of ghost! πŸ‘», i like watching horror movie pr thriller movie πŸŽ₯ 🍿 i also interest everything about mystery. so lets talk about horror with meee. another about me, im so in lLlloooovvvvVeEEe with makeup!πŸ˜»πŸ’„ i love collecting makeup, i have everything about makeup! i also love to used it to my friendsπŸ₯°πŸ₯° ok, i think thats enough for introducing myself. thank you!πŸŒ™πŸŒ™πŸŒ»πŸŒ»