
Showing posts from November, 2019

The Presentation Of The Eleventh Group

This is Group 11 "Do You Know How Apply For A Job?" This is the last group, Group 11 was presenting about how to apply for a job, before we start, we all sang 'Kebyar Kebyar' Indonesia Merah darahku, putih tulangku Bersatu dalam semangatmu Indonesia  Debar jantungku, getar nadiku Berbaur dalan angan - anganmu Kebyar kebyar pelangi jingga Indonesia  Nada laguku, simfoni perteguh  Selaras dengan simfonimu  Kebyar-kebyar pelangi jingga Job Application Letter a application, also know as a cover letter, is a document sent with your resume to provude additional information about your skills and experience to an employer. The letter of application is intended to provide detailed information on why you are qualifies for the job. What they explain were so clear, really.  This is the PowerPoint slides for their presentation At the end, we al sang ' Bolelebo' together for closing this presentation. Bolelebo ita nusa lelebo bol

The Presentation Of The Tenth Group

This is Group 10 "Why Don't You Visit Seattle' At the same day, the Group 10 was presenting about conditional clause, and before we start, we all sang ' Indonesia Pusaka' Indonesia tanah air beta Pusaka abadi nan jaya Indonesia sejak dulu kala Slalu dipuja-puja bangsa Disana tempat lahir beta Dibuai dibesarkan bunda Tempat berlindung di hari tua Sampai akhir menutup mata Indonesia tanah air beta Pusaka abadi nan jaya Indonesia sejak dulu kala Slalu dipuja-puja bangsa Disana tempat lahir beta Dibuai dibesarkan bunda Tempat berlindung di hari tua Sampai akhir menutup Mata There is 5 types of Conditional Clause 1. Dream  (IF + SIMPLE PRESENT, SIMPLE FUTURE) 2. General Truth (IF + SIMPLE PRESENT, SIMPLE FUTURE) or (IF + SIMPLE PRESENT, SIMPLE PRESENT) 3. Imperative (IF + SIMPLE PRESENT,V1 + O) 4. Suggestion (IF + SIMPLE PRESENT,S + SHOULD/HAD BETTER/OUGH TO + V1) or (IF + SIMPLE PRESENT + WHY DON'T + S + V1 ?) 5. Reminder (IF

The Presentation Of The Nineth Group

This is Group 9 ^^ "Do It Carefully" For this time, Group 9 presenting about how to do. As usually, before we start it, we all sang 'Bangun Pemuda Pemudi" Bangun pemudi pemuda Indonesia Tangan bajumu singsingkan untuk negara Masa yang akan datang kewajibanmu lah Menjadi tanggunganmu terhadap nusa Menjadi tanggunganmu terhadap nusa Sudi tetap berusaha jujur dan ikhlas Tak usah banyak bicara trus kerja keras Hati teguh dan lurus pikir tetap jernih Bertingkah laku halus hai putra negri Bertingkah laku halus hai putra negri Procedure text is a piece of text that give us instructions for doing something. The social purpose of procedure text is to show how somethinh is done through sequence of steps which enable the reader to archeve the goal. This text uses simple present tense, often imperative sentences. Simple present tense and use of imperatives Use of action verbs Use connectives Use of adverbial phrases This is the Powe

The Presentation Of The Eighth Group

This is Group 8^^ " It's Garbage In, Arts Work Out" It's Group 8 turn, this week, they was presented about News Item form newspaper, tv or radio. Before we started it, we all sang 'Hari Merdeka' Tujuh belas agustus tahun empat lima Itulah hari kemerdekaan kita Hari merdeka nusa dan bangsa Hari lahirnya bangsa Indonesia Merdeka Sekali merdeka tetap merdeka Selama hayat masih di kandung badan Kita tetap setia tetap setia Mempertahankan Indonesia Kita tetap setia tetap setia Membela negara kita Text Struxture : 1. Opening 2. Main Event / newsworthly event 3. Elaboration 4. Closing Opening The field reporter introduces her name (TV) The broadcaster in the studio welcomes listeners to the program and introduces her name (Radio) Main Event The field reports the event with more detailed information by interviewing some actors and witnesses of the event (TV) The broadcaster in the studio tells the newsworthly event in the for

The Presentation Of The Seventh Group

This is Group 7 "How To Use Photoshop" Hello everyone, this time, Group 7 was presenting about procedure text. And before we started it, we all sang 'Berkibarlah Benderaku'. Berkibarlah benderaku Lambang suci gagah perwira Di seluruh pantai Indonesia Kau tetap pujaan bangsa Siapa berani menurunkan engkau Serentak rakyatmu membela Sang merah putih yang perwira Berkibarlah Slama-lamanya Kami rakyat Indonesia Bersedia setiap masa Mencurahkan segenap tenaga Supaya kau tetap cemerlang Tak goyang jiwaku menahan rintangan Tak gentar rakyatmu berkorban Sang merah putih yang perwira Berkibarkah Slama-lamanya The definition of procedure text is a text that is designed to describe how something is achieved through a sequence of action or steps. It explains how people perform different processes in a sequence of steps. This text uses simple present tense, often imperative sentences. Simple present tense and use of imperat